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Author: Bingbangpoe-N7S




After the Battle of the Citadel, Garrus was disappointed when the public accepts the official line that the threat posed by Sovereign and the geth has ended and goes back to living as if the tragedy never happened. Frustrated with C-Sec's red tape, Garrus quits and goes after a local drug smuggler on his own. The smuggler reveals that his supplier is on Omega. Garrus heads there, where he thinks he can actually make a difference. With the aid of the Turian local vigilante Lantar Sidonis, a small but very capable squad is formed, which includes a Salarian explosives expert, a Batarian Tech expert, and various former mercs, security consultants, and C-Sec agents. Together, they declare war on Omega's criminals but are careful to avoid civilian casualties. However, the gangs decided to form a coalition, arming themselves with smuggled Cerberus technology; with this they pose a massive threat to Garrus' squad and Omega itself. (This Challenge takes place during the events of Mass Effect: Homeworlds).



Fury of the Archangel
Characters: Turian Soldier (Garrus), Turian Sentinel (Sidonis), Salarian Engineer, Batarian Soldier
Map: Firebase Ghost
Enemy: Cerberus
Difficulty: Platinum


Squad1: Oyo-N7S, RoystonVasey63, aznitrous-N7S, OldMetalGear screen

Squad2: RedLightning-N7S, Qven, ValerioME3, Songun-Ho screen

Squad3: x3lander, Vastator, frank_is_crank, Sonashii screen | video

Squad4: Achion-N7S, CelticCookie-N7S, aznitrous-N7S, PapaJester screen

Squad5: aznitrous-N7S, Fyracor-N7S, Nailus_Kryik_rus, isma-lopez screen

Squad6: Fyracor-N7S, CanadianAdam, isma-lopez, aznitrous-N7S screen | video

Squad7: aznitrous-N7S, Achion-N7S, Cristopher-Rodgz, DrunkDriver10 screen

Squad8: TheNightSlasher, Wasserpest88, Vastator, SenorZanahoria screen

Squad9: Akantor-N7S, dglammers-N7S, biegoo-N7S, RedLightning-N7S screen

Squad10: RedLightning-N7S, Jaidas-N7S, Bingbangpoe-N7S, Glenonium-N7S screen | video
Squad11: TheNightSlasher, yvettee, Ody-N7S, WashedLeaf video

Squad12: Onomatopoeia-N7S, Capta1nAsh-N7S, Vormav-N7S, Thee_Gamemaster3 video | screen | video

Squad13: Twilistere-N7S, ConsensusVoice, Aarala, bialakawa video

Squad14: ItsMessenger, TransferOrbit, Winters067, BergsterR6 video | screen

Squad15: hodonkain-N7S, TransferOrbit, RebelATS-N7S, ItsMessenger-N7S video

Squad16: ExLo05-N7S, JadeDragonMTR-N7S, eng59land, trigg-N7S video1 | video2 | video3

Squad17: bialakawa, JadeDragonMTR-N7S, Grimjarn-N7S, bobbathejobba video

Squad18: SiLenT N7S, Purple-N7S, e debs N7S, MidnightTheOx video

Squad19: SiLenT N7S, MidnightTheOx, Lord 0f Bricks N7S, e debs N7S video

Squad20: FatBlastoN7, meh-N7S, SteelWolf89-N7S, Gran_Calc-N7S video1 | video2

Squad21: SiLenT N7S, e debs N7S, Steelwolf89-N7S, Purple-N7S video

Squad22: biegoo-N7S, MasonJay24, Starick, Simulate-N7S video1 | video2

Squad23: GnarlyFartz, SiLent N7S, e debs N7S, Delta257 video


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