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Dossier The Justicar

Author: Bingbangpoe-N7S




Like many Asari, Samara's Maiden phase of life was marked by adventure and excitement. At one point she ran with a mercenary gang and discovered her talent for combat. However, little known to her that the gang would come to an end when she led a transport mission and discovered the cargo was not weaponry or machinery, but slaves intended for sale to the Collectors. Upon learning this, Samara tried to have the ship turned around, but was forced to land in a nearby human planet known as Benning due to technical problems with the ship. The Collector ship followed them, and she had to make a choice: lend the cargo to them, or fight back trying to protect the innocent lives. Some of the gang members were against this, and Samara gave them a choice as well: flee or fight with her. The vast majority fled in the gang's main ship, while some few members loyal to Samara stood by her side.

(This Challenge takes place before the events of Mass Effect 2)



Characters: Asari Adept Justicar (Samara), Asari Huntress Infiltrator, Turian Soldier, Drell Assasin Infiltrator
Map: Firebase Ghost
Enemy: Collector
Difficulty: Platinum


Squad1: Achion-N7S, Avina-N7S, JheregJose, Penultimate117 screen | video
Squad2: RedLightning-N7S, Just3ven-N7S, ValerioME3, BadMojo-N7S screen
Squad3: Qven, BadMojo-N7S, CelticCookie-N7S, ValerioME3 screen

Squad4: CelticCookie-N7S, Fyracor-N7S, isma-lopez, ValerioME3 screen | video

Squad5: aznitrous-N7S, Achion-N7S, CrisRodgz-N7S, DrunkDriver10 screen

Squad6: Sonashii, JohnBorrows, larsdt, Wasserpest88 screen

Squad7: TheNightSlasher, Vastator, Wasserpest88, SenorZanahoria video

Squad8: CelticCookie-N7S, Zelisification, Leonudas, Boskmann-1 screen | video

Squad9: CelticCookie-N7S, Zelisificat-N7S, Onomatopoeia-N7S, heLLion-N7S video

Squad10: Badger N7S, JheregJose-N7S, MidnightTheOx, SiLenT N7S video

Squad11: SiLenT N7S, ll Fritos ll, Lord 0f Bricks-N7S, MidnightTheOx video

Squad12: BergsterR6, TransferOrbit, ItsMessenger-N7S, Alonso_b_me video

Squad13: SenorZanahoria-N7S, yvetteeeeeee-N7S, Vormav-N7S, TheNightSlasher-N7S video1 | video2 | video3

Squad14: Lord 0f Bricks N7S, SiLenT N7S, Purple-N7S, e debs N7S video


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